Our client, Johnny V, developed a great new brand with strong trademark.
He enlisted Enhance’s licensing and business development team to create impactful sales through widespread distribution by way of As Seen On TV.
It was a pleasure to work with Enhance to obtain a license agreement for a product of ours. We had tried to license products out on our own on multiple occasions but had failed to secure a deal due to contract issues. I was impressed by Enhance’s ability to maneuver a contract negotiation and quickly realized that this is one of their strong suits. Also, Enhance has a large portfolio of different companies that they can license a product to and they know which company fits a product the best.
Since successfully working with Enhance to license a product, we are now working on developing another idea of ours to bring to the market place. We sat down with their team and I enjoyed the ideation process and creativity the team brought to the table. The on-site engineers came up with concepts that I would never had thought of!
In closing, as an innovator, Enhance made my process much more seamless than pursuing a product/process in-house. I will be working with them on an ongoing basis from here on.

Enhance helps inventors, entrepreneurs and start-ups design and launch new products.