Product Marketing and Sales

We can help you position your product and get it on the shelves.

Graphic Design and Branding

Logos, sell sheets, packaging and promotional collateral material.

Video Production

Videography, voice overs, motion graphics, animations and more.

Manufacturer Representation

Get your product in front of retail buyers with professional sales efforts.

Graphic Design, Sellsheets, Logos and Packaging Design

Graphic Design and Branding

As it’s said, you only have one chance to make a first impression.  When it comes to your product-based business, make sure that your first impression counts through eye-catching, professional graphic design and branding.

Through product naming, logo development, packaging and promotional collateral material, our goal is to effectively communicate your product’s unique selling proposition to increase the effectiveness of your sales efforts.

That doesn’t mean we just create pretty pictures and graphics.  Our goal is to create impactful messages that resonate with consumers and drive your business.

Professional design in all of your marketing components determines your credibility in the marketplace.  Don’t cut corners on what truly drives sales, bring your branded message to the world through our professional graphic design services!

Video Production

Product videos are an effective way to engage consumers, potential licensees, buyers and investors as well as improve visibility online to drive sales.  Further, product videos provide impactful content for websites, crowdfunding, email marketing or direct sales efforts.

At Enhance, our team of videographers, motion graphics designers and voice-over talent develop product videos that specifically target your product niche in a meaningful way.

Manufacturer Representation

If you are producing your product or product line and want to get it into retail stores, let Enhance be your independent sales representative.

Our specialty is working in consumer market segments (hardware, houseware, health and beauty, juvenile, toys, etc) and “bridging” our clients products onto the shelves of retail stores.

Through professionalism, personal attention and persistence, we seek to open doors to grow our client’s sales across North America.

So whether you want to launch new products, expand into new retailers, or grow your current sales, let Enhance help you achieve your goals.

Have Questions?

Getting products to market can be an involved process, let us help answer your questions.

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